30-Day Self Love Challenge

Over the past year, I have been on a critical personal journey of self-love.

Self-love is accepting that putting your needs first is a priority. This doesn't mean you're selfish; it means you care enough about yourself to consider your mental and physical health. As a woman, self-love is most important because it helps balance the 'give and take' and reminds me, "Girl, you need to take a little more for yourself!". Self-love also means freedom; every time I heal different aspects of my past, the level goes up. It is accepting that I am not perfect and loving myself nonetheless. It is creating a supportive and loving environment for me to thrive. It is also learning to say "no" to a thing or people that do not make me feel good or happy. Self-love is trusting and loving myself — no matter what!

Week 1 

  1. Make a list of five things that always make you happy and put it on your mirror or a place where you’ll see it often.

  2. Buy yourself flowers.

  3. Revisit a childhood memory.

  4. Go for a walk on your lunch break.

  5. Make a playlist of all your favorite songs.

  6. Unplug for three hours

Journal prompt: Get to know yourself. Take some time to think about what you believe in, value, and like Make another list of your strengths (particularly the ones that have gone unnoticed).

Week 2

You are the embodiment of inner peace and confidence. How are you putting yourself first this week?

  1. Say “no” when you want to say no.

  2. Trying a variety of fruits and vegetables.

  3. Splurge on the item you’ve been wanting.

  4. Take yourself on a date or set the table with candles and a fancy tablecloth.

  5. Do something that would make you proud of yourself: perform a random act of kindness, spend the day getting ahead in your career goals, or actually do the workout you promised yourself that you would do
    Watch your favorite movie

Journal prompt: Look at a picture of yourself as a baby or young child. How would you talk differently to yourself if you were talking to her? What do you want to tell her?

Week 3

You are exactly where you are supposed to be. What are some things you love about this chapter of your life?

  1. Identify your love language and then do one thing to show yourself love in that language.

  2. Make a promise to yourself and then keep it.

  3. Unfollow or mute every account that doesn’t make you feel inspired, encouraged, or good.

  4. Sit in silence for a minute whenever you’re stressed.

  5. Dress up in your favorite outfit and put on your favorite lipstick.

  6. Take some time to “play:” turn on music and dance or do something creative like coloring

Journal prompt: Write down past mistakes you’re still holding on to. Reflect on how you’ve changed since those past mistakes or embarrassing moments. Realize how even the worst moments have made you stronger, kinder, and better, and then forgive yourself. 

Week 4

Your ability to conquer any challenge is limitless so step out of your comfort zone.

  1. Solo travel yes it sounds scary at first but sitting in your solitude and enjoying your alone time is a treat to yourself.

  2. Sneak leafy greens into sauces, dips, and dressing.

  3. Write a list of the things you love most about yourself

  4. Start an inspirational book.

  5. Treat yourself to a vibrator.

  6. Try a workout class you’ve never done before

Journal prompt: How can you become more “you?” Self-love happens when our actions align with who we really are. Make a list of your qualities, likes, traits, strengths, and passions. Then, write down how you can become more of each thing. Also, get rid of the activities or traits that don’t feel true to you and fill up the empty space with more you-ness. Every work goal, wellness intention, and daily schedule should support becoming more of who you really are.

Last but not least always remember nobody is going to love you better than you love yourself!